Modified Standard Ovens: Save Time and Money

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Modified Standard Ovens: Save Time and Money

dry off oven with roller conveyor

Who doesn’t want to save time and money (crickets chirping)?

Selecting the proper equipment for your heat processing needs can be overwhelming. While you may think a completely customized oven is what you want, it may not be what you need.

Whether you need to replace an existing oven, upgrade a current process, or set up a different process with a new oven, many questions can arise. By speaking directly with one of our sales engineers, they can guide you to the best oven for your business.

One of JPW’s modified standard units may be right for you.

Modified Standard Ovens (Quick Ship)

Some of our most popular ovens are available for quick customization and shipment. We are providing off-shelf offerings to meet our customers’ growing needs.

“I recently had a customer call, and they were convinced that a custom oven was what they were looking for,” states Mike Jameson with JPW Ovens and Furnaces. “After asking a few simple questions, it turns out the customer could save nearly $60,000 purchasing two of our standard/quick ship ovens with slight modifications. And as for time, they will get the ovens eight weeks sooner by taking this route.”

Some of the fundamental questions first asked to a customer revolve around the oven size, operating temperature, fuel source, product loading, process requirements, and lead time.

While Jameson indicates that some ovens do need to be completely customized, many times, he can take one of the standard/quick ship ovens and modify it to increase their business volume and reduce their cycle time.

He adds, “Some of the options for modifying our standard units include installing vertical lift doors or reinforced floors, setting up various control or recording options, port location positions, and airflow patterns. There are so many possibilities, and I can help find the most cost-effective solutions for your needs.”

In closing, if you are looking to find the best oven to meet your needs while also saving time and money, give us a call. Let us help guide you to make the best decision and find out if one of our modified standard units is right for you. Our commitment to quality is a given. It is our unmatched customer service that sets us apart.